Solidarity and interests in international cooperation for development: the cases of China and Japan in Africa


  • Carlos R. S. Milani Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Políticos de la Universidad Estatal de Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ)
  • María Elena Romero Ortíz Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad de Colima



international cooperation for development, China, Japan, Africa, contradictions


The contradictions between the solidarity and the interests that drive international cooperation for development may be understood and analyzed from the critical perspectives of the coloniality of power, the hegemony of the West in defining the rules of the game, and also based on an understanding of the asymmetric relationships that define geopolitics and the global economy. Drawing on key questions informed by these critical perspectives, and a historical framework dating back to the Second World War, the authors analyze the role of China and Japan and the tensions that the cooperation for development programs of these two Asian giants may produce in the African continent at the current critical moment for the international system.


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