The territorial reconfiguration of Mexico’s political forces: a geography of the fragmentation, collapse and rearrangement of the party system (2012-2018)


  • Willibald Sonnleitner El Colegio de México, A. C.



elections, spatial analysis of voting, party system collapse, political fragmentation, electoral geography


In the electoral realm, Enrique Peña Nieto’s term in office (2012-2018) concluded with a radical reconfiguration of political forces, after the collapse of the party system that had structured Mexico’s politics since the period of democratization. The opposition Movement of National Regeneration (Morena) grew out of grievances with governing political parties and resulted in a massive punishment vote. Through spatial analysis of voting, this research disentangles three processes that converged to produce a new electoral geography in 2018: the socio-territorial reconfiguration of political forces; the rearrangement of presidential coalitions; and substantial split-ticket voting that benefitted Andrés Manuel López Obrador.


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How to Cite

Sonnleitner, W. (2020). The territorial reconfiguration of Mexico’s political forces: a geography of the fragmentation, collapse and rearrangement of the party system (2012-2018). Foro Internacional, 60(2), 451–500.