Human rights and legal arms exports: The United States and Germany in light of the crisis in Mexico


  • Carlos A. Pérez Ricart University of Oxford
  • John Lindsay-Poland Stop USArms to Mexico, Global Exchange



arms control, human rights, Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), security, international norms


This paper examines how Germany and the United States have altered their laws and policies for the control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) exports to Mexico, a country currently experiencing a severe human rights crisis. Based on interviews carried out in Germany and the United States, and official reports and secondary materials, the paper identifies that while Germany has withdrawn SALW exports to Mexico, US companies continue to export them with practically no restrictions. The text offers contributions to two academic debates: the study of the participation of non-state actors in the decision-making process on arms export policies, and the examination of how international norms affect the behavior and practices of nation states, a key issue in the constructivist agenda of International Relations.


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Author Biography

John Lindsay-Poland, Stop USArms to Mexico, Global Exchange

Escritor, activista, investigador y analista centrado en los derechos humanos y la desmilitarización, especialmente en las Américas.


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