Journal Section Policies

Foro Internacional publishes material in three types of format:

  1. Academic articles

  2. Book reviews

  3. Abstracts of recently-published books

Exceptionally, the journal also publishes other types of material, such as memorials, editor's notes, and translations of fundamental or reference texts in the disciplines covered by the journal. 

Regarding articles, the journal only publishes original manuscripts based on academic research. All published articles go through a peer review process, following the double-blind principle. Articles that have been previously published, even if in a language other than Spanish, are not accepted. 

Book reviews focus on works published up to three years before the review submission date. The books reviewed should belong to the disciplinary fields of the journal, including international relations, comparative politics, Mexican politics, public administration, or political theory. The decision on which reviews are published rests with the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board, based on criteria of quality, relevance, and available space in the journal.

The section on recently-published books compiles information on relevant publications related to the topics covered by Foro Internacional. The journal team prepares this section based on information provided by leading academic publishers.

For more information, please refer to the Guidelines for Authors.