Beyond the Liberal Paradigm: Cosmopolitanism from the Perspective of Critical Theory in International Relations
Political Philosophy, International Relations theory, Immanuel Kant, hermeneutics, liberalismAbstract
This article highlights the need for an approach that goes beyond the comprehensive dominance of liberalism in discussions of cosmopolitanism. It argues that understanding the multiple interpretive possibilities of cosmopolitanism is crucial, which raises the question of how critical theory can advance the cosmopolitan debate within International Relations. This school of thought is believed to remove the markedly idealistic and optimistic bias imprinted by liberal cosmopolitanism, while also pointing out not only the advantages but also the potential dangers that a cosmopolitan reality may present. The article develops this qualitative argument employing a hypothetical-deductive approach and through a systematic interpretation of texts from Political Philosophy and theories of International Relations. Ultimately, it highlights the shortcomings of liberalism in formulating a cosmopolitan framework for International Relations.
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