Indigenous Women in International Relations




indigenous diplomacy, institutional rituals, paradiplomacy, critical perspective, global governance


The indigenous women’s movement in Latin America and the Caribbean in the second decade of the 20th century revolutionized the discipline of International Relations (IR), by reinterpreting the theoretical-methodological frameworks in their desire to understand the diplomatic world. From a critical perspective, Mexican indigenous women continue to demonstrate the impor tance of becoming aware of rituals as performative acts that re-signify institutional structures, norms, and order in redefining the vision of global governance. Incorporating new methodological approaches based on the ethics of care and reciprocity in violent scenarios, this article responds with the method of critical discourse analysis as speech experience and text to the question of whether indigenous women’s access to international spaces is a characterization of paradiplomacy or, rather, the “good living” of a historical moment in the emergence of indigenous diplomacy with a feminine face in a globalized world.


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