Rethinking Mexico’s Economic Diplomacy with Japan?




commerce, investment, economic interdependence, Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)


The article addresses the need to reevaluate and enhance economic diplomacy between Mexico and Japan, especially in the context of the Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (AAEMJ), which marks 19 years since its implementation. It examines the challenges and opportunities that this agreement presents for both countries in a changing global environment. The central objective of the work is to analyze the challenges and opportunities of the AAEMJ and how this agreement can be used to generate greater added value in Mexican exports and promote joint Mexico-Japan investments. The methodology employed in the study includes the correlation of databases and trade statistics from both countries, as well as a quantitative analysis of the collected information. The theory of economic interdependence and integration in Global Value Chains (GVCs) is utilized. The article concludes that the AAEMJ has significantly strengthened trade and investment relations between Mexico and Japan, increasing bilateral trade. However, the coexistence of the AAEMJ with the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has created confusion about tariff advantages and rules of origin, limiting the full exploitation of these agreements.


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How to Cite

Laborde Carranco, A. A., & García González , O. A. (2024). Rethinking Mexico’s Economic Diplomacy with Japan?. Foro Internacional, 64(4), 933–964.