Global health governance and the limitations of expert networks in the response to the Covid-19 outbreak in Mexico


  • María Esther Coronado Martínez Facultad de Derecho, UNAM



global health governance, pandemic response, expert networks, Covid-19, Mexico


This study argues that the global health governance system has led to the formation of a number of expert networks that serve as mechanisms for the circulation of evidence-based ideas and that promote cooperation and the implementation of World Health Organization (who) recommendations. However, the outbreak of Covid-19 has brought to light the limitations of these networks. In the case of Mexico, two principal problems have been observed: first, the existence of experts who belong to a cross-governmental network and who make decisions based on political interest, to the detriment of global recommendations; and second, a divided knowledge community of rival groups that damages the actions of these experts in their efforts to transmit ideas and spread knowledge.


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