Constructing peace: comparative analysis of the containment of organized crime in Chicago, Sicily and La Laguna




Chicago, Sicily, La Laguna, social capital, organized crime, governance


Is there a valid universal model or formula to contain organized crime? This paper addresses this key question by comparing three experiences of containment: Chicago (in the first half of the 20th century), Sicily (in the late 20th century and early 21st century) and La Laguna (since 2007). Patterns of social reaction and coordination in response to similar problems of violence and governance of crime are identified and highlighted. The paper begins with a conceptual discussion of criminal governance and social capital before using these variables to compare the three cases. It moves on to identifying the similarities between them before closing with a discussion of the research question proposed at the outset.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Aguayo Quezada, El Colegio de México


Rodrigo Peña González, Seminario sobre Violencia y Paz de El Colegio de México

Rodrigo Peña es un sociólogo político especializado en legitimidad, delincuencia y gobernanza criminal. Obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Leiden, donde realizó una investigación comparativa entre la legitimidad política de los grupos criminales de Michoacán (México) y Sicilia (Italia).

Obtuvo su licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales (2011, cum laude) y su maestría en Estudios Sociales y Políticos (2014, cum laude) en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Desde 2015, es miembro de CASEDE, un Think Tank mexicano especializado en estudios de violencia y seguridad. Actualmente es investigador posdoctoral en el Seminario sobre Violencia y Paz de El Colegio de México.


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How to Cite

Aguayo Quezada, S., & Peña González, R. (2021). Constructing peace: comparative analysis of the containment of organized crime in Chicago, Sicily and La Laguna. Foro Internacional, 61(3), 609–648.