The participation of Mexico in the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change


  • Blanca Torres Ramírez El Colegio de México, A. C.



Paris Agreement, foreign policy, Mexico, climate change, international negotiations, COP, Donald Trump, sub-state, non-governmental organizations


This paper examines the participation of the Mexico administration of 2012-2018 in the negotiations on international cooperation and coordination to tackle climate change within the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It also makes reference to the involvement of sub-state and non-state actors, such as businesses and non-governmental organizations in this sector. At the same time, it refers to the positions and coalitions that emerge on different topics between countries from different regions, according to their levels of development and interests and capacities, while the active role of the Foreign Ministry in the context of negotiation of complex issues is highlighted, together with challenging situations such as the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States and his decision to withdraw his country from the Paris Agreement. This active participation in international negotiations made it possible to ascribe importance to an issue that was not previously considered a priority in the six-year development agenda.


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