"Much ado about nothing": cultural diplomacy and the country image of Mexico during the presidency of Enrique Peña Nieto


  • César Villanueva Rivas Universidad Iberoamericana




cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy, country image, cultural cooperation, foreign policy, Mexico


This article analyzes how the cultural diplomacy of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto had a presence in the international relations of Mexico, but suffered from a conceptual disorder and irrelevance as a tool of foreign policy. The image of Mexico abroad had a good start with the so-called Mexican moment, but collapsed following corruption-related events and the escalation of criminal activity, and specifically the Ayotzinapa case of 2014. For its part, the budget for cultural diplomacy was merely a nominal and decorative figure exercised by the Department for Educational and Cultural Cooperation of AMEXCID, whose expenditure was made irrelevant by the lack of coordination and redundancy of the initiatives of the Ministries of Culture, Economy, Tourism and the Presidency of the Republic.


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