The resources and capabilities of mexican foreign policy (2012-2018)


  • Jorge A. Schiavon Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
  • Bruno Figueroa Fischer Servicio Exterior Mexicano



resources, foreign policy, Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, consular assistance, international cooperation, commercial promotion


This article analyzes the resources and capabilities of Mexico’s foreign policy during the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), in particular, the budget approved and exercised by the SRE, as well as its annual growth rate and the resources allocated to strategic issues. It also studies the powers of coordination of the SRE and the distribution of Mexico’s actions on the international stage. It also analyzes the evolution of diplomatic personnel and of the Mexican Foreign Service and, finally, examines foreign policy capabilities in two fundamental areas: consular assistance and resources devoted to international cooperation, and commercial, cultural and image promotion. The article concludes that there was a significant disinvestment of foreign policy resources and capacities during this administration: the budget fell by 13% in real dollar terms and decreased as a percentage of the total federal budget; coordination with the international actions of other ministries and public entities by the foreign ministry was very limited; Mexico’s presence in the world remained relatively unchanged and failed to reflect the importance of the country at the global level; there was a significant decrease in administrative personnel in the foreign ministry; consular resources were limited and, to a large extent, provided exceptionally by other ministries; finally, international cooperation, promotion and public diplomacy were only provided with limited resources for implementation in the second half of the government.


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