Political Extremism in Scandinavia: the twilight of social democracy?


  • Omar García Olascoaga Centro de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM




Political extremism, ethno-nationalism, social-democracy, populism, Scandinavia


Recently, the Nordic countries have witnessed the emergence of far-right parties in their parliaments, and even seeing them join as partners in government, for example, in Denmark, Finland and Norway. This political phenomenon is the result of two factors: first, the ineffectiveness of social democratic policies to solve the problems affecting citizens and, second, the commitment that the populist extreme right has made to the government in turn. Nevertheless, Sweden is the only Scandinavian nation that has not yet allowed political radicalism to participate in the government, although no one knows for how much longer.


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