Ideological vote: why do latin americans vote for the left or the right?


  • Mario Alejandro Torrico Terán Flacso-México
  • Diego Solís Delgadillo El Colegio de San Luis A.C.



Latin America, ideological vote, electoral behavior, left, right


The discussion of the causes of the turns to the left or the right in Latin America is an extensive one, and comparative electoral studies in the region have multiplied. However, due to the fact that they are analyzed in isolation, their contribution to understanding why people vote for the alternatives at one end of the ideological spectrum or the other is limited. This paper examines the ideological voting behavior of Latin Americans between 1996 and 2016, and we find that positions for or against the United States and the ideology of voters are the principal factors to explain this, together with social class, trust in political institutions, the ideology of the current government and the gender of the voter. Belonging to an indigenous group tends to favor a vote for left-wing alternatives when this division has previously been politicized. However, there are very large national variations compared to the regional trends, indicating that it is a very heterogeneous region.


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Author Biography

Mario Alejandro Torrico Terán, Flacso-México

Profesor e investigador de la FLACSO México y coordinador de la Maestría en Políticas Públicas Comparadas. Economista y politólogo de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón en Bolivia, con una maestría en Desarrollo Económico de América Latina por la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía en España, y otra maestría en Ciencias Sociales por la FLACSO México. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales con especialidad en Ciencia Política por FLACSO México. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel I.


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