The Arab public sphere and Qatari foreign relations since 1995


  • Erick Viramontes Viramontes Universidad Nacional Australiana



Qatar, Foreign relations, Arab public sphere, Al Thani, Middle East


According to the most recent perspectives on the foreign policy of the Arab States, this article argues that certain intriguing features of Qatar's foreign relations since the mid-1990s are proof of the influence of the Arab public sphere in decision-making by this State, as they demonstrate the attempts of the Qatari leadership to position itself in that public sphere through initiatives that hold great symbolic value. Based on an analysis of media reports and interviews with the principal leaders of Qatar by internationally recognized media outlets, this research makes a contribution to the debates on diplomacy in the Middle East and expands the Spanish-language bibliography on a State whose importance has increased considerably in the first two decades of the current century.


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Author Biography

Erick Viramontes Viramontes, Universidad Nacional Australiana

Candidato a doctor en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Nacional Australiana y maestro en estudios de Asia y África, con especialidad en Medio Oriente, por El Colegio de México. Sus líneas de investigación se enfocan en las aportaciones de las perspectivas poscoloniales al estudio de las relaciones internacionales, los procesos transnacionales en el Sur Global, principalmente entre América Latina y Medio Oriente, y relaciones exteriores de los estados árabes del Golfo.


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