The Sino-US political Relationship in East Asia: Struggle for Power or Differences Arising from Perception of the Threat


  • José Jesús Bravo Vergara Centro de Estudios para América del Norte



Structural realism, neoclassical realism, constructivism, identity, perception of the threat


Rather than a direct power struggle, the current Sino-US political relationship in East Asia reveals complex interaction based on their respective identities. As the hegemonic power, the United States needs to maintain the credibility of its power and act accordingly, while the People’s Republic of China acts not only as an ascendant power that is demanding a sphere of regional recognition, but also with an interest in reestablishing its territorial integrity. This paper presents brief interpretations of the bilateral relationship from the perspective of structural realism and neoclassical realism, as well as that of constructivism, not without emphasizing the perception of the threat as the element explaining the current differences between the two countries


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Author Biography

José Jesús Bravo Vergara, Centro de Estudios para América del Norte

Profesor–Investigador del Centro de Estudios
para América del Norte del Departamento de Estudios
del Pacífico de la Universidad de Guadalajara 


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