Countries of the Global South and the United Nations


  • Mélanie Albaret Universidad de Auvergne
  • Guillaume Devin Sciences Po



collective mobilization of the Global South, United Nations, North-South dialogue/gap


The United Nations contributes to the invention of the Global South in its various manifestations. In parallel, the Global South is converted, as it is constructed, into a principle for organization, reference and positioning at the United Nations. It also aspires to form a factor for change in and by the international body. Although the UN has offered countries in the Global South political recognition, a platform for expression and self-assertion, and measures to make themselves heard and to alter the international order, it has not succeeded in fully integrating these parties. Their
representation remains imperfect, and their demands unmet. As such, the benefits granted by the United Nations to the Global South have been ambivalent: the organization corrects the forms of domination, but does not put an end to them.


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